Friday, May 17, 2013

Large Family Vacations - Fun, Fear, and Facts

Multi-generational travel is the new buzz word in the travel industry these days.  People have limited time in this fast paced world so they want to slow down and enjoy moments with family and friends.  Sounds good doesn't it ..... well if you peruse through a number of travel discussion boards there are countless horror stories about traveling with family.  Tales about family not getting along, fist fights, last minute cancellations putting others at financial risk, not enough to do for the whole family, and the list goes on and on.  Our family has done some of these on a smaller scale with some success.  At times too much togetherness, family members crossing boundaries, and people not sharing their part of the travel responsibilities can all be issues (I hope my family is not reading this).  But it also can be a lot of fun. Thinking of taking the plunge?  Here are some tips ...

* Plan Early - If you have a large gathering you want to make sure you can get that rental on the beach or those connecting hotel rooms at Disney.  For a cruise, booking early can get you some great group rates and amenities!

* Have a Family Discussion - Make sure everyone has a say in the decision making process.  Have an understanding of everyone's roles and responsibilities.  You do not want to create a 10,000 page health care bill, but you do want to have some ground rules set.  Who does the dishes? Who sleeps on the pull out sofa?

* Money - Nothing creates trip stress like money worries. Traveling can be expensive, and even though pooling resources among family members can save you money, it still involves a discussion about who will pay for things, and how expenses will be divided up during your travels.  Cruises are great because it is inclusive and a great vacation value.  No need to worry about who pays for dinner that night or how to split up the grocery bill.

* Patience is a Virtue - Grandma wants to play bingo and the kids want to go to the waterpark - What do you do?  Some family members might like activities all day and others might want to lounge around the pool.  How to you balance family time with enough alone time so that everyone does not get on each others nerves? Cruises offer the ability for everyone to have the vacation they want with plenty of time and venues for  families to spend time together.

* Celebrate Togetherness - For young children and grandparents, spending time together on vacation fosters their special relationship, which can focus on fun and even learning opportunities about family history and each other. For adult children, the multi-generational adventure can offer the chance to do activities on the same level as their parents. On a cruise there is ample time for that togetherness - dinner every evening in the dining room, a pre-planned shore excursion, a day relaxing at the cruise lines private island with a family cabana. The options are endless.

* HAVE FUN - This after all is what it is all about. Do not sweat the small stuff (and for those who know me they are asking "who is this guy?" right about now).  You only have one family and a short time on this earth to enjoy it.

Happy Cruising !!

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