Sunday, May 8, 2011

Vacations: They are NOT an option

Did you know that in 2010 37% of all employees did not take all of the vacation that was allocated to them at work.  It takes a full two weeks to recoup from the stresses of everyday life and work.  Vacations have become a necessity such as taking Tylenol for a headache or getting the flu shot in the fall to avoid the flu. 
Top reasons a vacation is a necessity:

* Improves how you perform your job:   Where do you usually come up with your best ideas ... sitting at your desk in the office?  NO ... it is probably driving home, late at night while resting, or even in the shower.  That is because your mind in free to think outside the box when you are not focusing on day to day tasks at work.  Vacations help you bring back that creativity to improve in your job.

*  Stress is a contributing factor for heart problems .... and I know stress .... taking that time off to recharge those batteries can only help remove some unhealthy stress. Studies show that the effects of a vacation and fewer stressful days linger for up to 5 weeks after your vacation ends!  Regular vacationers are 30% less likely to die of heart disease. (I need to offset all those Big Macs somehow!)

* Reconnecting:  Today my wife got a 'Happy's Mother Day' from a close relative via text and Facebook.  In the world of 'social networking' that sometimes is not so social we need time to connect with our families.  Weeks are filled with homework, soccer practice, baseball, school functions, and work events.  The madness never ends.  Taking time with the family to do something fun is good for family relationships and healthy for your kids. 

Those are just a few reasons NOT to give those vacation days back to your boss.  Wheather it is a weekend at the lake, a two week trip to Europe, or a week on a fantastic cruise ship - get out there!!

Happy Cruising!!

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